Kiosks And The Self-Service Approach

With the advent of kiosk technology, companies can take advantage of an affordable, customizable solution to reach their target audience. These kiosks typically provide information and services related to the customer’s location. kiosks are designed to deliver a quick, easy, and effective sales tool that will increase sales and boost company revenue. To ensure maximum use of kiosk technology and to minimize installation time, companies should consider kiosk design and implementation.


A kiosk represents a single stand-alone device used in a high-trafficked area for advertising purposes. Kiosks are generally not supervised by humans; therefore, some, however, are completely electronic, giving customers an easy self-service-style experience while at the kiosk. This feature allows for the quick assessment of customer needs and the ability to create programs to maximize revenue. A company that desires to improve customer service while simultaneously reaching new customers should consider installing high-tech kiosks in locations with high foot traffic.

The type of location will dictate the type of kiosk that is most effective. Kiosks in low-traffic areas should be less expensive to install and can offer a more cost-effective solution to current revenue shortfalls. Common low-traffic kiosks include clocks, newsstands, dollar stores, and liquor stores. Companies that specialize in kiosk installation in high-trafficked areas should have a team of highly trained and experienced technicians perform all aspects of the process. This will ensure that kiosks in high-trafficked areas are installed correctly and will yield the best results over the long run.

Companies that are considering kiosk installation in low-trafficked areas should also look into interactive kiosks that can provide information about specific products or services. Interactive kiosks can be used to educate the public about environmental issues, food choices, and entertainment options. In addition, kiosks that display movies DVDs, foreign language selections, and television programs can help increase customer satisfaction and retention.

Kiosks today can also be used as an effective money-making opportunity. Some kiosks provide customer satisfaction surveys or are used to collect personal data on consumers. The purpose of this personal information kiosk is to create a database of customer demographics. This information kiosk can be combined with other marketing strategies to create a unified campaign for improved customer satisfaction. Other marketing opportunities that can be incorporated into kiosks are providing coupons and discounts. Customers that find value in these coupons will return and increase the company’s customer base.

As a way of enhancing customer service, information kiosks should be strategically placed in areas where it is easy for customers to access. A company may choose to install information kiosks at a bank, dollar store, or any other place where it makes sense to gather information. For example, a customer may have his or her hand held at a register, so the kiosk is placed at a convenient spot to allow reading. Wayfinding should be considered when designing a wayfinding system for kiosks. This ensures that customers will move through the system to reach the kiosk that requires their attention.

Kiosks in fast food chains also make it easier for customers to check-in. To encourage guests to use check-in time often, a fast food chain may place electronic payment systems on kiosks. This allows guests to simply swipe their debit or credit card to pay with the system, rather than having to check in with cash or a check. Most kiosks require a certain amount of memory to store a customer’s check-in information.

Kiosks offer businesses many opportunities to increase productivity and profits. In addition to increasing sales, they can improve customer service by allowing customers to interact directly with the business. With today’s rapidly growing technology and new materials, there are many new and unique ways to design self-service kiosks for retail locations. These methods can include anything from automatic check-in systems to custom displays featuring promotional messages.